Lambda Legal
Web Development
Lambda Legal is a nonprofit organization with a simple but urgent mission—to advance the rights of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV—yet it’s powered by folks navigating hugely complex systems to create change. This marriage between complexity and simplicity defined our work with Lambda.

Mosaic made redesigning and cataloging our website with 50 years of history an enjoyable experience with their warmth, knowledge, and enthusiasm for our cause and project. I saw them as true partners in the process.
Jenna Butz
Web Manager
Before we entered the chat, Lambda’s website hadn’t been updated in 10 years. Its five decades’ worth of groundbreaking advocacy work was lost in page after page of brain-bending legal documentation that, while impressive, was tough for the average person to navigate and engage with.
Our purpose was clear: We needed to simplify—everything—to make the experience more accessible and compel volunteers and donors to take action. But we also needed to make sure none of the thousands of historic documents were lost in the process. The stakes were high—if we messed this up with even a single dead link or misplaced any of the 7,818 media files, we could destroy a critical resource for someone in need.
We used complex problem-solving to simplify the site. The kind of problem-solving that led us from contacting the Library of Congress for permission to update the site to countless hours of flowchart creation based on legacy tech that would confuse even Neil deGrasse Tyson on his best day. We spent months chipping away piece by piece to create intricate and sustainable architectural bones before we even arrived at the site’s storytelling component.
No matter how groundbreaking or important, it’s tough for most people to realize the massive impact that legal work can have on present and future rights. So to compel donors and volunteers, we used a module on the homepage to emphasize the people and purpose behind Lambda. It infused the experience with a sense of humanity, helping to create a connection between Lambda’s work and visitors to the site.
Studio Team:
Robyn Kanner, Deanna Marie-Norcross,
Eric Ziminsky, Cesar Hernandez, and
Anna Impson